Monday, 10 March 2014

An example of a Poem created by ESOL

Our weather poem

The day is hot.

At night it's Not

The water is wet

And cold you bet.

The rain falls down

And make me frown.

A rainbow comes out,

No one is allowed to doubt

  1. Google says poetry is:

    a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction (sometimes involving rhyme), rhythm, and imagery.
    "the sun is an important symbol in this poem"
    synonyms:versesongrhyme, piece of poetry, verse composition, metrical composition.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Another working week.

Working hard in class practicing their spelling.

The red fox
In ESOL and in room 7 we watched a video about the fox for our writing. We were looking at good use of verbs and adjectives, not spelling.
Arsh wrote:
There is a hungry red fox trying to find pray it finds a mouse lurking in the snow and he's sensing. He noes that the mouse has stoped and he jumps for the mouse and he gets it and eats it.

We'll done Arsh. Some good descriptive words in the first part of the writing.